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Jesus did not start a Religion - the book

In Robert Anthony's first book, "Jesus did not start a Religion" Robert shares his stories about how God showed him many simple truths surrounding Jesus Christ, outside of religion. Robert traveled some 30 US states and 15 countries, ministering without any organizational affiliation or religious ordination. He writes down all of his story about how God brought him to these revelations. Jesus always wanted to restore men to God. That is His purpose, to bring back this fallen creation to God. He never built a building, He never told the Jews to stop being Jewish but instead become Christians. Jesus was in no way religious but in another way, Jesus was/is perfect religion! You will enjoy reading Robert's humble and candid story about all that God did with him throughout his life. Almost dying in Africa, seeing countless miracles, signs and wonders and having his heart changed, over and again. Jesus did not start a Religion is a touching story, told honestly and vulnerably by its author.

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