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Dinosaurs and the Bible: Could the Past Be Pointing Us to Jesus?

Writer's picture: AR Press StaffAR Press Staff

Have you ever wondered what dinosaurs can teach us about God? What if the bones of these ancient creatures aren't just relics of a distant past, but evidence of something far more powerful? Could it be that these fossils point us back to the very beginning of time as described in the Bible?

For years, science has painted a picture of dinosaurs as creatures from millions of years ago, long before humans walked the earth. But new research is challenging that view, leading many to reconsider how we understand dinosaurs. Is it possible that these incredible creatures lived not millions of years ago but thousands, as the Bible suggests?

The Bible tells us in Genesis 1:25, “God made the beasts of the earth according to their kinds and everything that creeps on the ground according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.” Could this include dinosaurs? If dinosaurs were created on the sixth day of creation along with man, why do so many view them as ancient creatures from "deep time"?

Let’s think about this: Why would dinosaur fossils be found in flood sediments, the very kind described in the book of Genesis? Could these bones be a testament to the great Flood that God used to judge the earth, as recorded in Scripture? In Genesis 7:19-20, it says, “And the waters prevailed so mightily on the earth that all the high mountains under the whole heaven were covered.” Could the discovery of vast dinosaur graveyards be the evidence of this catastrophic flood?

Consider the recent discovery of original soft tissues inside dinosaur bones—a finding that suggests these fossils are much younger than previously thought. How can soft tissues, like blood vessels and proteins, survive for millions of years? Could this point to the truth of a young earth, just as the Bible describes?

Triceraptop’s Horn

One example is the discovery of soft tissue in a Triceratops horn in Montana. Evolutionary scientists were puzzled by how such tissue could be preserved for so long, but for biblical creationists, this is no surprise. In fact, it fits perfectly with the biblical timeline, where dinosaurs perished just thousands of years ago during the Flood.

But this discovery is just one of many that point to the Bible's historical accuracy. The BEDS (Briefly Exposed Diluvial Sediments) model suggests that during the Flood, dinosaurs were able to briefly land on freshly exposed ground, leaving behind nests, eggs, and footprints in flood layers. This supports the idea that dinosaurs lived during the same time as humans, in line with the Genesis account.

Consider the idea that these findings could align with the biblical account of creation. If dinosaurs were part of God's creation, what does that say about His power and authority over all things, including time itself? Could this realization cause us to reexamine our relationship with the Creator? Does it stir something in your heart to know that the same God who made dinosaurs also made you, with a purpose and plan for your life?

As more discoveries unfold in the "Dinosaur Reformation," we are reminded of one crucial truth: God’s Word has always been true. The prophet Isaiah writes, “The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever” (Isaiah 40:8). Have you taken the time to explore what the Bible says about our origins? Do these discoveries encourage you to take a step closer to understanding Jesus as not only the Creator but also the Savior who offers you eternal life?

If dinosaurs—those mighty creatures of the past—can lead us to deeper faith, what other truths are waiting for you to discover in God’s Word? Romans 1:20 says, “For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made.”Isn’t it time to find out for yourself the truth that creation reveals? Jesus, who was there at the beginning, offers you salvation and new life. Will you take that step toward Him today?



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