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Writer's pictureRobert Anthony

In Search of a New Vision for America

Updated: Aug 22

By Robert Anthony

July 25th 2024

In some ways I think we need to start at the beginning again and ask ourselves, “What is this American Experiment of Self-Governance and How will the Republic Survive this Time of Division and Strife?”


In the beginning of these United States the burden of autocratic rule that was under the British empire was fresh on everyone’s mind.  While those early patriots chose to fight about many fundamentals, reread the federalist and anti-federalist papers, it doesn’t seem to me they risked losing the newly formed nation, stopping at nothing to ensure their policy might win the day.  But we are in an altogether different era, a time nothing like the somewhat slow-moving, more simple world of the 16th and 17th centuries.


We have a global economy like the world has never before dreamed, weapons that can destroy the earth several times over, technologies that make communication across any distance or language instantaneous, world-travel has never been safer, cheaper and easier, the population has exploded compared with four and five hundred years ago – simply put, there is no comparing the founding world in which America was born into, with today.


We can discuss morality, traditional and time-tested values, commonly accepted laws of God and His creation rooted in the Holy Bible throughout the whole of the European and New American world but no matter at what angle we choose to view this time, it can not be easily compared with that founding American era.  The divisions of that olde world can in no way compare with the (mostly cultural) divisions that have emerged today – and as the morally and socially accepted norm’s for literally millennia continue to be warred against and unapologetically even cast aside, the chasm between these belief systems continues to widen.  And this radical culture-war is tearing the nations of the world apart.



Have you looked at the definition of terrorism lately? Terrorism: 1. The use of violence or the threat of violence, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political goals. 2. The act of terrorizing, or state of being terrorized; a mode of government by terror or intimidation. 3. The practise of coercing governments to accede to political demands by committing violence on civilian targets; any similar use of violence to achieve goals.


Let me ask you, Are there political ideologies within America willing to go to such extremes insomuch to win their political agenda, even violently forcing their change on our society!? 


Domestic Terrorism is certainly a growing threat within our Republic.  But what does our government do when faced with such a threat?  I’m afraid they coalesce and instead of rebuking the lawless ones, the leaders of our nation bend to their riotous will and anarchy. 

What ever happened to “America does not negotiate with Terrorists”?  Did they mean to say, “We do not negotiate with terrorists, unless they represent our own political ideology and will help us to remain in power (and then in that case we will even fund their efforts)”.

Corruption must be rooted out.  No nation will last so much as a generation when corruption, injustice, lawlessness and quid pro quo rule its power centers.  A force must emerge to stand against the depravity, to root out the cancer, to prune back the dead branches and make the tree come back to life! 

When the mob fervently desires a popularity contest to promote and exalt its leadership any semblance of reformation is tossed out the window, the proverbial can is kicked down the road for another more desperate generation to try and redeem, even though it is exponentially more difficult, the cancer having now spread more completely throughout its host. 


But it’s easier for politics and leaders to bend.  Who doesn’t want to be well-liked, popular, esteemed among their people, cherished and adored by the masses!?  If a democratic-society collapses into corruption and depravity, what public servants will they vote into office? Choosing a rock star or thespian when the moment demands an emergency room physician, what hope has that nation?! 

America is on life support.  Our economy, our vital energy production, our military, our morale, the most fundamental systems throughout our society are all functioning on what is commonly referred to as a wing and a prayer.  We need true leadership, we need people of vision and resolve, we need people of great heart and love for their fellow man and for the whole of their country.


Kindness does not require compromise.  Sincerity and good character do not inevitably work hand in glove with bitterness and revenge.  Wisdom together with creative problem-solving skills are in no way benefited by the fear of the future, allowing conspiracy and doubt to infiltrate our minds. 

A good thing done in a bad way is still bad.  A bad thing done in a good way is still bad. 

For the saving of our nation, we need a New Vision for America.


Many will assume reading this that I am rebuking the higher leadership of the land.  Many will look past the words even as they are reading them and try to judge the intent of my heart and the purpose to which I write.  But I would rather my reader try to instead remain present and in the moment, try not to seek an escape elsewhere. 

It’s easier to cast blame to another, a rivalry, the “other side”, a warring party, etc.  It takes great courage for a man (or woman) to take an honest account of themselves, asking, “Are my words and actions bringing light into this darkness or have I also become a destroyer of worlds?”


There is not a rule for debate written that says one must hate their adversary in order to engage in difficult discussion.  There is not a law in politics that disallows one to love their competitor or forbids them to act with tact and patience, hoping to even retain the relationship even through the disagreement.  But we, as a society, have bought into a pile of lies and garbage.  We should value comradery, brotherly kindness and the relationship, perhaps even above our politics but instead an untold many will use the most heinous and vile rhetoric, thinking that this harmful strategy will win them their way. 


Why are we so thoroughly convinced that our politics has to be contentious, vengeful and filled with such evil?  We are destroying the heart and soul of our own nation with every sharp and cutting word, with every quip and jest, and ridicule, we jab and slash at the precious insides of our fellow Americans – and then we wonder why our nation won’t come to life, and live?


A voice from among the harsh speeches of the crowd must stand out from among them and find America a better way.  The vision must not come only with word and inspired-speech but also with virtue, perseverance, with longsuffering, with a tenderness of heart and the wisdom to inspire the best out this lost and desperate generation.  The truest of leaders would understand that it’s going to take a lot of heart but also love if we are to reawaken the dark and dying souls, if we are to push start the gift that is our Republic, we are going to need leaders who know how to inspire the dominant light, hidden within our citizenry.  Mere appeasement of the mob has never worked, not in the whole of recorded human history.


There is something of true leadership that even the most wicked and tormented from among us can recognize, it’s like royalty, in its most noblest and esteemed sense.  It’s maybe even difficult to describe but when you meet such a refined and set apart one, tried by the fires and temptations of life but passing each test with flying colors, the enduring impression left cannot be easily forgotten, like a fine and exotic fragrance such an inspired one can bring newness of life and grace to even the most destitute of situations!  Such leadership, a person of such value and enduring quality is not made easily, but like gold, carefully sought out from within the earth, washed by water, cleansed by the furnace and pounded and shaped into a glorious image, must be sought out and promoted from among the crowds.


And we should be careful who and what we exalt and esteem.  We should take care what comes out of our mouths and hearts.  The everlasting scripture reminds us, “We will be judged for every idle word that has proceeded forth from our lips.”  Let us take care in what manner we judge what God has created.  A little leaven leavens the whole lump.  Can both sweet water and bitter come from the same well?  Guard your hearts, pray and they will be made pure again, for the saving of our nation and a generation!


Hope is not lost

Unless we uniquely refuse the truth when it is presented to us

And then the redemption that was to be our gift and salvation

It passes us by, and we are left to wander


Hold to hope But even moreso Hold to the truth


And America shall surely be saved!




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