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Pray for our Contributing Author Tony Nastas!

Updated: Aug 28


By Robert Anthony

August 28th Updates:

Tony continues to battle with the military and court system. It very well could be he is the only Christian in Ukraine lawfully fighting with the military and court system for his constitutional right for conscientious objection. What is amazing is that they still have not hauled him off to war! Remember everyday the Ukrainian military to taking men right off the streets and throwing them into their war with Russia, sometimes as quickly as 72 hours after nabbing them from their lives and families!? We have been praying fervently, and I appreciate you all who have also been praying for our dear brother!! Pastor Tony has offered to perform dozens of other services for the military effort, just not a service that involved killing another human being - but thus far all of his efforts have come to no avail. Today in court they threatened to turn him over to the police, threatening jail time, fines and more. But what is amazing is that they still have not forcibly hauled him off to the front-lines! God seems to be hearing our prayers! Let's continue!! Next Pastor Tony is slated to appear, again, in court within the next week or two. Pray that the military and their threats come to no avail for our dear brother. Thank you. Robert (Senior Editor, AR Press)

Original Article:

Under Ukrainian law, as clearly defined in the Ukrainian constitution, Tony Nastas has the right to be a conscientious objector for reasons of his religion. Tony has been a long time minister and pastor, his family actually had an underground printing facility wherein they were printing and distributing Bibles and other Christian literature during the Soviet reign in Ukraine. As we explained in previous articles, the Ukrainian military is actively grabbing men off the streets and throwing them into the war. Usually these men don't even have a moment to say goodbye to their families - often within mere days, without training, they are thrust into the fighting, even on the front-lines!?

Tony has already been to court and presented the Ukrainian laws before the judge and the military (looking to his constitution for his rights) but they seem content to trample their own laws, upset with Brother Tony and pushing to have him shipped off to war - they have already ruled against him once, another hearing is being scheduled. But the more troubling hearing is coming up soon: on the 28th of August Brother Tony will stand before something like a military hearing and a military officer will judge what they will do with him. When the military came to Tony's court proceedings they were clearly upset, even referencing jail time for Tony! Remember, the nation of Ukraine is locked down. Women and children can leave but no men, unless a man has very specific papers allowing him to exit Ukraine. So many men have tried to escape the country, crossing rivers and mountains to do so. There are estimates that more than 60 men have already been shot and killed trying to escape this dystopian nightmare.

This war is tearing apart families, putting the world on the brink of a global catastrophe, WW3 could very easily be unfolding, even as I write these words, Ukraine's nuclear power plant is under duress and millions have already died because of this lingering war.

Putin invaded a sovereign nation. This is the simple fact. Do the nations stand idly by while Putin forcibly takes Ukraine? Even after Clinton and our USA convinced Ukraine to give up their nukes after the fall of the Soviet Union... promising Ukraine that we would come to their aid should Russia invade? Make no mistake of it, this war is a terrible situation filled with unspeakable horrors and this was Putin's decision.

Putin has the power to end this war and stop the killing, Putin has the power to prevent my friend Tony from getting thrown on to the front lines or into prison. Zelensky, Biden, Soros, Schwab, etc. although we might not agree with their policies or politics, these men have little to do with ending this war.

Pray for my friend Tony. Pray or Ukraine. Pray for the innocent lives being lost on both sides! Russia has also grabbed a countless many men off the streets in their compulsory draft and thrown them to the front lines! And as ugly as this already is, it seems like its about to get uglier! Ukraine just sent an army into Russia and took Russian territory! When ever has Russia backed down from a fight!?

Pray that this war ends. Pray for my friend Tony that they do not send him to the front lines this Friday, Pray that they uphold their own laws! Thank you friends.

Robert Anthony

Senior Editor

American Revival Press


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