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Writer's pictureRobert Anthony

So Easy to be Proud of President Trump

Updated: Sep 23

by Robert Anthony

September 20th 2024

Two assassination attempts now!? How many proceedings against him since 2015? A constant attack against him, his family, his character, his business, God only knows how they were undermining his Presidency while he was in the White House!? AND! Two assassination attempts, SURVIVED!? This President Trump is truly an amazing man.

If we, at American Revival Press, haven't been clear enough yet: Let this article act as our unequivocal endorsement for electing President Donald J Trump to the White House this November, 2024!

President Trump will: care about America first and then try and save the world, he will close down our borders and work to overhaul our broken immigration system, he will bring an untold number of jobs back to our nation that have been shipped away, he will continue to force Europe to pay their share towards NATO, he is our best shot at ending the war in Ukraine, with his leadership peace could very well return to the Middle East, and yet he will not betray Israel! President Trump will: unleash the power and economic prosperity of our oil and natural gas energy deposits (probably returning us to a net-exporter of energy!), he will return to many of his policies giving tax breaks for "opportunity zones" throughout the cities of America, he will labor to get China and Chinese spy operations out from within our continental US, he will work with law enforcement to make sure our nation is safe again, he will deport every illegal immigrate who is only going to plague our nation for generations to come and yet, he will bless the various minority groups living throughout our nation!

He will: rebuke our colleges and universities for their woke agenda which, as a social experiment, has nothing to do with education, he will push back all the radical LGBTQ agenda's without our federal school system, warring against our most innocent and precious children, he will continue to support Pro-Life legislation and fight for the pre-born, he will work to make our military proud again but not LGBTQ proud, proud of being a soldier, serving our great nation! President Trump will shut down many of the big government institutions that have actually been a drain and burden on the American people for decades, if not generations! He will continue to fight for states-rights, just as the constitution afforded them. He will go after the enemies of America (often elected officials) who during Covid broke laws, trampled the constitution and performed all sorts of horrors against their own citizens! He will find the criminals who stole the 2020 election from the American people and he will labor to make our election system free and fair. In fact, he will be the first US President to make sure we have a sound and secure election system, saving our voting Republic for generations to come!!

We know President Trump will fulfill these promises he has made because the last time he was elected, he fulfilled the promises that he had made to us while on the campaign trail. He has more than proven himself to be a man of his word, even willing to die for what he believes in! It has never been easier for me to endorse a candidate since I have been old enough to vote. This man doesn't have to be perfect to receive my endorsement but his love for the nation and his policies make him just about perfect to me!!

I won't even bother to remind us all what a vote against President Trump means to the nation. It's too hard to imagine what would become of us should the American people lose this election and the White House is stolen from us again.

What is most frightening about the other candidate taking the White House is that we simply have no idea what she and her party will do with the power!? Did any of us imagine what they would do with our country over the past nearly four years!? Should they win, they will be emboldened to stamp out the voices of reason and truth. They will be eager to silence all their enemies and any political adversary daring to speak out against them, perhaps worse. They will continue to bankrupt our treasury and our US Dollar could actually be replaced by another global currency!?

Should the other side win, we are going to witness the most frightening social experiments ever recorded in history perpetuated upon the human race. And they will take their radical ideas into the schools and into the families to war against our most vulnerable, our children. They will make after-birth abortion commonplace. They will weaken our military with their ridiculous DEI and Work agendas, al the while starting WW3. I dont want to continue with the dystopian vision that this Democrat Party in 2024 wants to fulfill. It's basically the worst parts of the Bible's prophesies about the end of the world.


Thank you President Trump for all that you are doing for your family and for us, the American People!

Your wife, your children, and your children's children must be so proud of you! And we are too!

I pray you get tremendous rewards for all that you have suffered these past 9 years. I pray that you get rewarded not only in eternity but now and in this time!

I pray that God surrounds you with the best people, win or lose. If we win you will need the most award winning cabinet and staff ever since there was a country. Should you/we lose, you will need to find the strength to lead the Republican party thru some of the very worst times it will ever, or has ever gone thru. I pray God gives you wisdom and strength. I pray He continues to protect you.

The nation is behind you Sir. These elites who have grabbed so much of the power centers of America: the Media, Wall Street, Big Pharma, our Universities, Washington DC, they only represent a small fraction of the nation. You truly have the numbers.

I pray the Lord does not allow them to steal this election from us. I pray that many of the state governments decide to shore up this election and in a hurry. I pray God would arrest the hearts and minds of so many throughout the Republican party who are endorsing the other side!? It's an assault and betrayal of the American people, perhaps like we have never seen before!?

If we win it will be a miracle. Perhaps the biggest miracle since George Washington and friends founding of America! You enabled them to defeat The British Empire! Surely you can do this small miracle and keep them from stealing the nation from us again.

"Save our nation, Lord. When you look upon us, look upon with mercy. When you see all that we have done so terribly, eve against your own name, remember those of us who love you and still want to fight to save this nation! Save us, Lord. Not because we deserve it, but for Your names sake, save our nation."


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