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Writer's pictureRobert Anthony

Tone Down the Rhetoric and We Win the Nation!!

Updated: Aug 22

by Robert Anthony

August 2, 2024

No one in their rights minds wants open borders without any governance whatsoever. The nation sees our cities spiraling into this depravity: homelessness, abject poverty turning to illicit drug use in public places, record setting inflation, the climate-change cult-like policies shutting down the most essential parts of our economy, the radical cultural shifts being thrust upon our most vulnerable children in elementary school, etc.  The nation is almost entirely with us on policy.  We could win the nation for generations to come – and we could win America today!

America has never been better positioned for a brand-new Golden Era!  There are so many remarkable technological advancements and if implemented correctly these could power an economic revolution for decades to come.  And our USA holds the patents and brain-power over the majority of these revolutionary achievements! 

We are also uniquely positioned to bring peace to the world.  As the nation’s rage, bucking for position and power, America has become the world’s most obvious forerunner for stability and prosperity, greater than ever before!  The freedom loving people of the world continue to flock to our borders, knowing our promise of a better and more abundant life. 

But we are at an obvious cross-roads: to our left is unity and comradery, wherein all our dreams come true! abundance rains down, first to America and then to our partners and friends throughout the world; but to our right is division and strife.  Our domestic and internal conflicts are tearing us apart, the competitive and even envious striving has turned friendly competition into an all-out war – and our children and our children’s-children will be the ones to pay for it.  There is wisdom, howbeit often hidden from our sights, within the virtues: temperance, compassion, empathy, longsuffering, meekness, faith, etc. 


But our click-bait culture does not esteem virtue and when the whole of a culture devolves into competition and striving for attention, the time-tested noble character that is forged with time thru a myriad of small (seemingly insignificant) righteous choices is cast aside and ignored.  But we can return to this concept in another article for those of us still interested in Bright and Shining Examples of Good-Character.

Does true leadership appease the mob? Or does it not provoke them to become something better, something that they had never before dreamed of!?  Truly we don’t carry mere popularity thru the ages.  Many of the most popular men and women of their time are forgotten and many of the least popular men and women of their time are remembered!  What endures beyond our time, popularity and power alone can not purchase.  What provokes history to record and remember more than anything is summarized in a word, Goodness.

Now many of these do-gooders in their time are passed over.  The best example of this is the massively popular, world-wide phenomenon, Jesus of Nazareth – who at His end was entirely forgotten, abandoned, with only a very few of His friends and family visiting Him at His death.  Jesus had no internet, no mass-communication, He never wrote a single word that we know of, He left behind no scripture or religious structure, He built nothing and formed no government – and yet the majority of every single person alive on the earth knows His name.

Movies sell with happy endings.  We want to watch “the good guy” win!  We want to see things resolved morally and ethically or else we simply will never watch such a film again.  The overwhelming majority wants The Goodness.  Even if they can’t bring themselves to say it out-loud.  And it’s practically written within us.

The political movement that will win America will be the movement that convinces the nation that they are morally superior and filled with this Goodness.

And who is looking for this virtue more than anyone on earth?  The young people.


Our movement has the policies.  Our movement has so much of the vision for not just our nation but the nations of the world!  But we are angry, we are simply pissed-off and we just don’t care what the nation thinks about it.  We feel our indignation is righteous, we even bring Jesus into the equation talking about Him throwing tables over in the temple and making the case that Jesus losing His temper and it was actually “Good”.  We are so convinced that this rage and vengeance is going to produce some kind of a win that we have not only doubled and tripled down on it, but it has become a fundamental pillar of our movement as a whole!

So we fire up the rhetoric, we work ourselves into a emboldened and passionate frenzy and provoke a minority of loyalists to our cause - all the while we are losing the nation. We are losing the families, the families who desire peace and a blessing for their generations, we are losing the middle, those who aren’t entirely political and we have lost the greatest majority of the youth!  And if we lose the youth, we lose the future.

Get to know the young people, they are not drawn to the rhetoric, not en masse.  Quite frankly, the divisive and cutting words we, as a movement, use are pushing many who would be our adamant supporters for us, away!  The very people who would truly help us to win the hearts and minds of the nation are the same exact people we are trampling as we try to regain power.

Election Integrity remains an obvious issue coming into 2024.  (I will write about it in another article soon.)  But we could win the nation by such margins that there would be no hiding a stolen election, no thief would risk being found out and the other side would concede.  We can win a movement provoking their fears and stoking anxiety but this is a hack, and not a substitute for the real thing!  Fear isn’t as powerful as love.  And the great man once taught us, “Love your enemies and pray for those who spitefully use you.” He said, “Turn the other cheek.”  Love, even thru the whole of eternity, will remain exponentially more powerful than fear – in fact there is no comparison.

The movement to love the nation in word and in deed will win America!  If the Republicans would learn this new way, they would have the perfect storm of opportunity to bring about the Greatest American Revival this nation has ever seen!  And a New Golden Era for the world will commence, because America would serve the nations in truth and righteousness. And the world-order as we know it, the very foundations that have been stoking our worst fears for generations, will be replaced by a new status quo: because the people will have chosen the goodness.

Your fathers are often misleading you, not because they are bad but because they don’t know another way. But God is also a Father – and He, as the scripture says, Makes All Things New!

I still believe,

God’s Best is Yet to Come!! Feeling full of faith as I write these things…


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