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What is Actually Destroying our Nation (Might Come as a Surprise)

Writer's picture: Robert AnthonyRobert Anthony

By Robert Anthony

Feb 26th 2025

But let me say this before we get started, “There is nothing new under the sun.”  We have to remember, in principle, throughout history, throughout our history even more specifically, these things have happened before!  And would happen again (if the Lord tarries).



We have all been talking for years now about what has become of our nation?  I have asked the question even before crowds, “What on earth happened to us!?”  How did America and much of the west for that matter, get this way?  We certainly cared about the family, we cared about our children, the whole of our culture was completely different!  Now divorce, drug usage (legal and illegal), pornography, prostitution of various sorts, homosexuality and other sorts of sexual perversion, alcoholism and more are tearing the heart and soul of our world apart.


What TV shows from the 50’s and 60’s.  The western world was innocent, not perfect but unarguably more innocent.  What became of us?


I have taught on this issue for years now, about 20 in fact.  The western world was Christian.  If you look at all our founding documents, our law, the very foundations of our culture, morality, our ideas of justice and society came from Judeo-Christian teachings and faith - and not just America.  Europe, Australia, Canada, Central and South America, if you look into the way the world has functioned for the past several hundred years it is easy to see the fundamentals all rooted in Judeo-Christian truths.


So here is the principal.  What is to become of the world, if much of the world at one point in time was happy to receive God and the truths found in Him but then later turns away?  Well, Peter, one of Jesus’ friends, wrote to us about this, saying, “For is after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of Jesus Christ and they are again entangled therein, but overcome by them, the latter end is worse with them than at the beginning.”Peter continues, “For it has been better for them to have not known the way of righteousness, than after they had known it, to turn away from the holy commandment [and truths of God] given to them [us].”  He ends with, “But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the pig that was washed clean back to her wallowing in the slop/mire.”


There is a great and terrible curse that comes on a people who once loved God and His truth but then later refuse Him, deny His truth and turn back to fables.  “Welcome” to the world the way it is now in the 21st Century.  But it gets even worse than this.


Who has led the world into such darkness if not for our leaders?


It’s amazing watching President Trump cleaning house throughout our federal government!  Truly, inspiring!  Whether we admit to it or not, it is bringing us hope, we are watching someone care about us!!  And when was the last time we saw someone fighting on our behalf in such a way the US Federal Government?


But these problems President Trump is solving did not happen overnight.  It seems to be a matter of fact that parts of our government were involved with the assassination of JFK and his brother, Martin Luther King Jr. and many of these men standing for something beautiful and good in the 60’s were shot down – and its almost common knowledge know that elements of our own government were involved with this!  Since the 60’s we have watched our country and the western world continually deteriorate, falling into this depravity.  Prayer and God was removed from all throughout our nation, innocence was replaced by riotousness and rage, immorality and various iniquities which destroy the souls of men.


But what really happened to us!? How did all this transpire?


Another spiritual principal – only the Light of God can hold back the darkness from spreading and destroying the world.  There is no other light by which men can be saved.  And who has been given this Light?  Quite obviously, we have, the people of God in Christ Jesus, we have received this Light!  We, with our God, hold back the darkness.

But now what is to become of us should our light become darkness!? “How dark that darkness will become.” Or worse yet, if our leaders, within their hearts and minds, turn away from God and reject that Light, to where will they lead the God’s Holy Church?


There is only One Light given to men that can keep this darkness at bay.  Should a generation of our most powerful, most gifted, most charismatic, most wealthy and esteemed men collectively reject the Light of God – to where will the lead the rest of us?


I have been witness to the Church Leaders (especially) wanting to blame Obama, or the Clinton’s, or perhaps another religion, they cast blame for these problems unfolding on political movements, or even another pastor…. But who has been given the Light of God?  Who has received His Spirit and the power of salvation upon the earth?


And it’s not that I want to give a total and complete free pass to the Christians promoting these corrupted leaders.  It takes a lot of people following these somewhat religious men to enable their false gospel and darkness to spread.  How could these powerful men have caused so much damage if not for being promoted, exalted, supported and enabled every step of the way?  It’s a very sad truth to consider.


Clearly the fallen and broken leaders will suffer the greater condemnation (James 3:1) but we, everyday Church people, have our role to play in God’s great story of salvation!


We have the Light in Christ.  It was given to us.  To my knowledge, Obama, Clinton and the many others the Church likes to blame never received this Light.  Soros, Gates, Schwab and many of the others the Church is talking about so often right now, they never received the Light, they never even pretended to receive this Light.  We have the power of God to stop this.


Stop for a moment and consider how profound what I am writing to you actually is…


God gave us this power, in His Spirit, in Christ, to hold the darkness at bay.  We have it, we have Him, we have the power of Life and Death, the power of salvation in Christ Jesus the Lord but…. But what on earth are we doing with it?


Many of our elders and those who have come before us, they prostituted the power of God.  They prostituted the Light for money, for fame, for pride and other sorts of corruption.  Even right now, all throughout Christianity we see these once powerful men falling as God is revealing their hearts and works, plainly for us all to see. (“It’s a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God.”). But this was not the first generation to use God’s Light for gain and earthly (fleshly) privilege.


But let me comfort you, Precious Body of Christ, Spotless Bride, Holy Church…. Let me comfort your hearts.  The Lord told us that all these things would have to happen before the end.  Reread Paul’s letters to Timothy, they are absolutely fundamental for the times we are living in.  He will take us thru, as if passing thru the fire, to refine us, to make us something new, something precious, something worthy of being called the Children of the Living God!  And we will be so grateful as He does!


We will be so grateful for the work God is doing right now in us that we will worship Him for all eternity!  It will be so easy.  We will think back to the broken wretches we were, we will consider what we could have become, what sins and perversion could have taken us over, but for God’s grace, He upheld us, He kept us separated and set apart.  We will consider these things in His presence, before His throne and we will worship Him, forever.


“Beloved, think it not strange concerning this fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you… But Rejoice!”


Try not to look around too much, to the left or to the right, but set your sights heavenward!  Let us keep our gaze towards this high calling in Christ Jesus, on to the kingdom that has been fought and won for us, the kingdom within us.  Stay focused, precious brothers and sisters.  Win the lost.  Convince the ungodly of their ungodly works and save souls!  “He who saves souls is wise.”  Time is short.  Even shorter by the day.


A triumphant ending is in store for us.  Fear not.  God has a GOOD PLAN for us.  Not an evil plan but a good plan.  A plan not to harm us but to give us a Hope and a Future!  To bring us to this expected end, the end He has already planned out for us!  (Paraphrased Jer. 29:11)


He casts fire upon the earth, Jesus said, “Oh, How I wish it were already kindled!”  Some will welcome His fire and enter into it but others will kick and fight against the love of God, even until the very last day.  Let us not fight against His Perfect Love, brothers and sisters.  Let us trust Him and surrender to His love.


Maybe finally here at the end we can learn to love each other.  I believe that is what the Word of God teaches us.  And here at the end, has there ever been a better time to finally love each other the way Christ loved us?


Prayerfully and expectantly yours in Christ,





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