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Writer's pictureCatherine Salgado

‘Whiteness Studies’ and ESG: Woke Has Taken Over America’s Education System

Updated: Sep 3, 2023

Most Americans who pay any attention to the news or their children’s homework know by now that our country’s education system has been taken over and poisoned by radical wokeness. It’s a severe problem that will impact you, even if you’re not in school or don’t have children in school. Here are two recent stories to show you how leftism in higher education will alter your medical care and businesses in the future.

The Mayo Clinic’s School of Continuous Professional Development is allowing doctors, nurses, and staff to register for their course on “racial equity” for $265 or $495 apiece (depending on if you’re a doctor, nurse, etc.). The course, “Developing Anti-Racism Leadership Competencies to Achieve Inclusive Practices and Health Equity 2023,” is set to run from September 12 to October 4 through Mayo Clinic’s School of Continuous Professional Development. “This course is an essential starting point for anyone seeking to expand their knowledge on the complexities of race, gender, and class,” the website boasts. Healthcare professionals will be taught about “structural racism,” “anti-Blackness in America,” and “inequity and exclusion.”

The two guest faculty for this crazy course include Dante King,M.Ed., who studies “racism” and penned the “new award-winning book The 400-Year Holocaust: White America's Legal, Psychopathic, and Sociopathic Black Genocide and the Revolt Against Critical Race Theory.” And if that doesn’t already disturb you, the other professor will be Robin DiAngelo, a Ph.D.rather than an M.D., whose “area of research is in Whiteness Studies and Critical Discourse Analysis, tracing how whiteness is reproduced in everyday narratives.” The Mayo Clinic has an excellent medical reputation, but after seeing this course I wouldn’t feel completely sanguine about getting a competent doctor instead of a woke activist.

Mayo Clinic isn’t a striking exception. As we saw during Covid, most of the medical system will adopt and enforce whatever nonsensical political narrative the government tells them to enforce. Expect the quality of your healthcare to go down in future unless this trend is reversed.

But that’s not the only recent example of extreme wokeness in higher education. Two universities are now offering degrees or courses in Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) ideology, which is founded upon unscientific propaganda about the fake climate change crisis. Despite 50+ years of totally failed climate predictions, evidence that the globe is cooling and fossil fuel emissions don’t cause global warming, and recent examples of “green” policies triggering deadly and destructive catastrophes, institutions and government continue to push ESG standards.

University of Pennsylvania’s (UPenn) Wharton Business School now offers an undergraduate concentration and two advanced degrees in ESG. The undergraduate concentration is in Environmental, Social and Governance Factors for Business (ESGB). Its two MBA degrees are Social and Governance Factors for Business (SOGO) and Environmental, Social and Governance Factors for Business (ESGB). As an interesting side note, the University of Pennsylvania is one of the places where Joe Biden was illegally stashing classified documents. UPenn also received millions of dollars in funding from the evil Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

But UPenn isn’t the only ESG-enamored university. Columbia Business School is offering a course this fall semester in ESG Equity Investing.

ESG insanity has largely taken over the business world in America, especially for big businesses. We have power to fight back against it with boycotts, but we first need to identify where it is being practiced—and why. As one instance of how destructive this ESG obsession is, Hawaii Electric worried in its 2022 ESG report about wildfires supposedly being triggered by climate change decades into the future…but failed to maintain its land and lines, likely causing or at least exacerbating the horrific fires in Lahaina, Maui.

Whether it’s through homeschooling, donating to good schools and scholarships, starting new schools, voting in politicians who support school choice, publicly revealing woke educational nonsense, or providing online educational resources, each of us needs to start looking for ways we can help fix America’s education system. Otherwise, in one way or another, all of us are going to pay the price.


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