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Writer's pictureRobert Anthony

Who will Make it Beautiful Again?

Updated: Aug 22

By Robert Anthony

July 17th 2024

There is not a political issue today that does not come with vitriol and often even rage. Pick an issue: Israel, Ukraine, the border, the 2nd Amendment, ABORTION/PROLIFE, vaccines, the economy, etc. I am almost 50, in all my years I have never heard people shouting "Conspiracy!" like our nation shouts it right now. The divisions are palpable.

What about the good 'ole expression "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all..."

Sometimes I do wonder if there is an enemy stoking all this fire? Is there someone behind all this, throwing gasoline on an already burning fire!? America certainly has enemies. Spend some time with people in this movement and they will tell you that what is going on is right out of Communist and Chinese manifesto, written even decades ago about taking down this nation (from within). But we have so many enemies, it's hard to know what we are actually up against.

In my opinion there has never been a time in the history of the nation that can compare with what we are living thru right now, and mostly because of technology and social media. With the advent of social media we lost this essential commodity called, accountability. Anyone can say just about anything their heart desires, spreading such darkness, hatred, disgust, etc. and without any sort of accountability whatsoever. And the powers that be are responding to this? (that's a question and a statement.)


But what does it benefit anyone to hate, even the "other" side? Since when does spreading gossip and throwing trash publicly on a ruling figure ever help anything? I mean just logically. The social media warriors trying to burn down the other side, whichever side that is, what are they actually accomplishing? In one word? DESTRUCTION. They are accomplishing spreading darkness, they are harming their own soul, they are heaping trash upon the world and injuring their own selves.

Consider brothers and sisters what you are doing to your own selves as you spew out such horrors and fear. (And yes, much of this is rooted in fear.) You guys, I am upset too. I am raising 5 children in this world. I get afraid. I have a vision for America that is not seeming to manifest en masse, it wears on me some days. I wonder if we will ever rebound from Covid? I wonder if the whole world lost it's mind during those inhumane and unjustified lock-downs and I wonder if we will ever rebound? I get afraid too.

I have almost too much knowledge about the World Economic Forum setting up a headquarters in Michigan, China infiltrating our Wall Street, Big Business, our farmland, etc. I worry about Bill Gates, Bezos, Zuckerberg and the vision they have for this nation and the world, that I simply do not agree with. Russia, Iran, N Korea, etc. all worry me at times. I have friends in S Korea, Israel, Ukraine, Russia! I worry about WW3. But with all this worrying has my heart started to hate Iranians, Russians, Chinese, etc.? With all this fear have I grown calloused and spiteful towards the other side of the political spectrum? God forbid.

"Guard your heart" the scripture tells us, "For it is the wellspring of Life!" Shoving fear, doubt, scorn, unbelief, hatred, etc. into our hearts and souls - what is to become of us!? But we are being taught to "Fight". We are being almost mentored to hate and fear our "opponent" who is actually our fellow American and our neighbor. I was never afraid of people, not my whole life.... until now. (And I am repenting before you all as I write about it.)

Truthfully, I want to love the Chinese. I want to love the Russians, the N Koreans, the Israeli's, the Ukrainians, etc. I fear we are no longer being mentored to be Christians. I fear we are being mislead. And as they stoke our fears, we are losing our heads and going right along with the prevailing winds... There is something about fear that shuts off our ability to reason and puts us our of a sound mind.

II Timothy 1:7

"For I have not been given the spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind."


Will any of this ever be beautiful again? As I talk with way, I can already hear what the (angry and frustrated) Christians will say, "But Jesus threw over the tables and beat them with chord!?" They will quote the one or two times Jesus seemed to get upset and display what could have been rage.... But rationally, we have two maybe three times Jesus seemed to get angry and hundreds of times that He simply loved them, that He responded to wrath with peace, dozens of times He peacefully dismantled a heated situation with an almost miraculous poise and tactfulness. But angry people usually aren't interested in logic or reasoning. I think anger and rage because like a drug. I'll bet if we really studied what it does to the chemicals in the body we would find out rage, hatred and anger actually release something in the body like a drug - and people get addicted to it. I am certain people are getting addicted to that feeling of false power that follows becoming enraged and what many a Christian refer to as "Righteous Indignation". All the while Jesus tells us, "Love your enemies".

If the prerequisite for loving someone is agreeing with them, we are in a lot of trouble!

I want to see America saved! Both spiritually and politically, I want to see America saved. I have deep rooted convictions that I want to fight for upon the earth. But then the question that remains is "How"? "How, Robert, how will you strive to see the change you want in the world come to pass? What is the best way to go about this?" I still ask myself this question, lately, daily.

I hope I am encouraging my brothers and sisters. I truly believe the path to winning back America is best summarized with the greatest commandment, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and you shall love your enemy as yourself." And then Jesus says this profound statement, "Against such there is no law"!!! Wow! Mind-blown. How will we save America while breaking the foundations?

Faith. Hope. Love. These three abide. How will we ever save this precious thing God has given us while at war with the essentials and fundamentals of Life!? Some might say, "This love doesn't belong in politics..." Some will certainly debate me across the board on these points. But I have been saying the same thing over and again for some 25 years now. I have been fought against for some 25 years now. And while a very few want to believe the power of God is enough, I continue to watch the world burn. It's very hard sometimes.

I don't agree that darkness can bring forth light. I don't agree that hatred and wrath can spawn love and something worthy of God, filled with light. I don't agree with bringing this sort of evil within our own homes as a strategy to save the world. We must find another way. (Two wrongs still don't make a right.) And absolutely, the power of God is enough.

I have learned a lot about politics these past several years. I have learned enough to know that we desperately need thousands of true Christians: loving, caring, persevering and determined people of God to change this broken American establishment and quickly. We need a miracle, really a series of miracles and we need the people who are willing to allow God to work those miracles thru them, immediately.

We will save this nation, if we can save it's heart and soul and spirit.

If we can not revive the goodness that still lurks and even hides within our United States

I fear there is no hope for us. All is lost.

Love the children men of God. Love the little ones precious women of God. The young men need to see us living out the truth, with more than just empty rhetoric as we pound away at the keyboards. We need to inspire, with patience to love even our enemies, we need to lead and to lead is to serve, to humble ourselves and serve. You will see American Revival Press changing in the days and weeks to come WE MUST TURN ON THE LIGHT!!



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