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World Economic Forum Finds a New Home in Detroit

Writer's picture: Jason IckesJason Ickes

Updated: Apr 8, 2023

“19 August 2021 The World Economic Forum today announced plans to establish a new global Center for Urban Transformation headquartered in Detroit. The Center seeks to increase public-private collaboration in cities and advance more inclusive and sustainable models for urban development.” WEF

Whether on the left or right side of the political isle every Michigander should want to know what it means to have the World Economic Forum establish a new global Center for Urban Transformation. “Detroit will serve as the center’s global headquarters, providing a model for more inclusive and sustainable urban development.” WEF. These nice sounding terms should serve as a cautionary tale though. The language we have come to expect in Michigan when it comes to public-private partnerships that tell us they are here for our best interest and to help solve our problems. When in reality they are a bunch of greedy opportunists seeking to capitalize on Michigan’s resources during tragedy and hardship. Let’s deconstruct who is in charge of this effort and what are their track records.

A public-private partnership is a Fabian socialist mechanism to gradually transition private sector industry to national or federal control. As with every effort federalized, we can see failure often catastrophically. In a true capitalist system competition drives redundancy and optimization that makes for a hardy supply chain backbone and keeps profiteering in check while affording the greatest social mobility.

Today the United States has grown into a crony socio-capitalist society with consolidation around legal monopolies, strategic duopolies, and controlled triopolies. The crony capitalist cycle through government, non-profit, and executive private corporate positions always scratching each other’s backs and ensuring nothing more than a slap on the wrist ever befalls one another. We should be skeptical of any public-private partnership especially when they refuse to provide transparency by hiding controversial activities behind private entities. Look no further than NIH and Eco Health Alliance with gain of function research exposed in congressional hearings by Rand Paul R-KY.

“Inclusive urban development includes mobilizing the global business community to commit expertise and resources in support of local communities, exploring new approaches to expand urban services, and economic opportunity in low-income and traditionally marginalized communities.” WEF. When we hear the word inclusive it should be well known now that this refers to minority owned businesses. Sounds great right?

What people don’t realize is how this is a ploy, a bait and switch. Who are the investors in these companies? By putting minority owners as a legal shield ensures the ACLU, NAACP, and SPLC have standing in cases against anyone who challenges the contracts awarded these companies. This creates a super class of untouchable cronies with an army of attorneys at their ready. These same attorneys get rewarded with positions as prosecutors which then fail to charge former foot soldiers for those social justice organizations. Those foot soldiers drive property values down and drive away market competition through unrestricted crime. This allows Chinese backed real estate firms to pick-up businesses for pennies on the dollar. Add to this the tax breaks for foreign firms and we are seeing the intentional selling out of our nation to malign foreign interest.

Sustainable, the World Economic Forum will leverage its global network of leading companies, governments, civil society organizations and academic institutions to support cities as they seek to rebuild their economies and forge more resilient communities. Bedrock, Detroit’s largest real estate company, will host the Center’s work in Detroit, providing a test-bed to rethink and redefine the benefits and possibilities of urban living.

“After an extensive national search, Bedrock is pleased to announce that Kofi Bonner, former Cleveland Browns Chief Administrative Officer and a leader behind some of California’s most notable recent coastal developments, will become our Chief Executive Officer starting Sept. 21.” Bedrock press release.

Bedrock got millions in incentives with little oversight, investigation finds

The Detroit Free Press reports that the city and state provided land and tax credits without adequate proof of financing

By Aaron Mondry Sep 6, 2019, 10:42am EDT

“August 21, 2015 - FivePoint is focused on creating communities in three of California's most dynamic coastal markets — Orange County, Los Angeles County and San Francisco County.” FivePoint website.

Am I the only one seeing the hypocrisy of building WEF offices in coastal cities? The WEF promotes climate change. The scientist they proudly promote indicate those same cities should be underwater due to global warming. The WEF then hires a developer who worked at FivePoint LLC on the San Francisco (another WEF city) Shipyard housing development. Also, the site of massive logistical disruptions during the declared COVID pandemic years. San Francisco is challenged with homelessness, crime, and the farthest left policies in the nation. All of which we are seeing come to Michigan. What many may also not know is that the deep water port of San Francisco was owned by China until Trump forced them to sell.

Here are two Articles about that:

The WEF peddles in lies for its Chinese bankers in exchange for profit and influence. Additional work will be led out of the World Economic Forum’s offices in Beijing, Geneva, Mumbai, New York, San Francisco and Tokyo. WEF. Follow me as my next article will expose further Chinese meddling in Michigan at the taxpayers dime because your elected officials are selling you out.

Jason Ickes

Michigan Statesman


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